
Litigation Legal Administrative Assistant

Upload your CV/Resume or any other relevant files.Max file size : 50 MB.

You can apply to this job and others using your online resume. Click the link below to submit your online resume and email your application to this employer.

    1-3 years
    Lower Mainland, BC

Sara Adel

Recruitment Consultant

(604) 681-0706 Ext. 134
(403) 205-3444

1-3 Years | Lower Mainland

We are working with a top multi-practice law firm, now seeking a junior legal administrative assistant to join their busy office. The ideal candidate will have a minimum of two years experience in litigation and the ability to handle a high volume of work in a fast-paced environment. This is a terrific opportunity to join an established firm with a tight-knit culture.

To apply or learn more about this position, please send your resume in word format to LegalBC@zsa.ca quoting reference number #32861

Tagged as : Legal Assistant, Litigation
Upload your CV/Resume or any other relevant files.Max file size : 50 MB.

You can apply to this job and others using your online resume. Click the link below to submit your online resume and email your application to this employer.


1050 West Pender Street, Suite 620 Vancouver B.C V6E 3S7

(604) 681-0706



(403) 205-3444



200 University Avenue, Suite 1000 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6

(416) 368-2051



1470 Peel St, Suite 726 Montreal, Quebec H3A 1T1

(514) 228-2880
