
Senior In-house lawyer

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You can apply to this job and others using your online resume. Click the link below to submit your online resume and email your application to this employer.

    8-15 years

Mike Race

Managing Partner, ZSA Western Canada

(604) 283-9316
(403) 205-3444

Amrit Rai


(604) 283-9317
(403) 205-3444

Sara Adel

Recruitment Consultant

(604) 681-0706 Ext. 134
(403) 205-3444

Senior In-house lawyer | 8-15 years | Vancouver

We are working with a highly successful and rapidly growing multinational company, at the cutting edge of renewable energy, infrastructure and AI / cloud computing. The company is made up of all A-grade performers, and highly values their lawyers as strategic business partners.

They are now looking to build a legal team in Canada, where they have significant operations, and are searching for an experienced in-house lawyer with a top-tier pedigree, and general corporate commercial experience, to embed with the Vancouver office and assist on a wide variety of legal and business matters. The role is truly a jack-of-all trades position, and needs someone with the seniority and maturity to work directly with the local C-suite members and business units, and operate largely autonomously as the global head of legal is in another timezone.

For more information or to apply, please send your resume in word format to Mike Race, Amrit Rai or Sara Adel at legalBC@zsa.ca referencing job number #33020

Tagged as : Corporate Commercial, Corporate Law
Upload your CV/Resume or any other relevant files.Max file size : 50 MB.

You can apply to this job and others using your online resume. Click the link below to submit your online resume and email your application to this employer.


1050 West Pender Street, Suite 620 Vancouver B.C V6E 3S7

(604) 681-0706



(403) 205-3444



200 University Avenue, Suite 1000 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6

(416) 368-2051



1470 Peel St, Suite 726 Montreal, Quebec H3A 1T1

(514) 228-2880
