Carl DeLuca

Carl DeLuca

We were looking to hire a Legal Director, Corporate/Securities, and I engaged ZSA based on my prior relationship with Warren, as he has helped me out with a number of hiring mandates over the years. My experience with him was excellent. Warren is a fixture in the Toronto legal market, and his personal network, combined with ZSA’s name recognition and market reach, allows him to source senior candidates with precisely the experience that we have been looking for. I have used other recruiters in the past, and ZSA is a top-tier recruiting firm and a valued partner in terms of building out an in-house legal team, and I would use their services again in the future.


1050 West Pender Street, Suite 620 Vancouver B.C V6E 3S7

(604) 681-0706


(403) 205-3444


200 University Avenue, Suite 1000 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6

(416) 368-2051


1470 Peel St, Suite 726 Montreal, Quebec H3A 1T1

(514) 228-2880