Lydia Pilch

Lydia Pilch

Warren had originally reached out to me with a prospective opportunity in 2012 and we maintained semi-regular telephone contact since then about prospective placements. I was not otherwise looking for a change, but Warren always had interesting prospects for my consideration. My experience with ZSA has been excellent – Warren is professional, engaging, knowledgeable and approachable. I often called him for advice during the offer negotiation process and felt that he was a valuable and reliable resource in navigating the discussions. Warren was very supportive throughout the process and made himself available at any time for my questions. He gave me periodic updates, was very encouraging and made the process much easier than I had anticipated. I had been in my previous position for twelve years, so the prospect of moving firms was very intimidating and foreign, but Warren was instrumental in easing the stress of the decision-making process and the finalization of the offer acceptance. Over the years, I have been called by various recruiters and have found them to be pushy, overbearing and that they generally have missed the mark in identifying appropriate opportunities (misunderstand my practice, etc.). Warren is by far the best recruiter I have dealt with and I have highly recommended him to various contacts of mine who are looking for a legal career change. I am very appreciative of the opportunity Warren has secured for me at McMillan LLP and am very much looking forward to my start date! Thank you, ZSA!


1050 West Pender Street, Suite 620 Vancouver B.C V6E 3S7

(604) 681-0706


(403) 205-3444


200 University Avenue, Suite 1000 Toronto, ON M5H 3C6

(416) 368-2051


1470 Peel St, Suite 726 Montreal, Quebec H3A 1T1

(514) 228-2880