7 Reasons to Have a Recruiter Represent You

7 Reasons to Have a Recruiter Represent You

14 May, 2014

You are about to send your resume and cover letter to a job posting on-line, to a company where you don’t know anyone. Is that the best strategy? Probably not. Here are 7 reasons why using a recruiter to represent you for the opportunity is a better strategy.

  1. The recruiter knows the decision-makers at the company.
  2. You will know why the company is actually looking to fill the role (Eg. Did someone resign; get fired; go on maternity leave; get promoted?)
  3. You will understand the reporting structure within the team and the company.
  4. You will know what critical things the hiring manager is truly looking for. (Do they want someone to “roll up their sleeves” or is there a competent team underneath them? Is understanding SAP critical? Are they looking for someone who is extremely technically strong?)
  5. You will get debriefed on how your interview(s) went from the perspective of the hiring manager? (Eg. Were you too formal; was it not the right “fit”; did you not have the technical expertise they were looking for?)
  6. You will better understand, after an interview, how you stack up against the other candidates (Eg. Are they more or less experienced than you; do they all have CA designations; do they all have US GAAP experience; do they all have specific industry knowledge?)
  7. Often, candidates walk away thinking they could have gotten more money. But with a recruiter, they will tell you when you can get a little more base salary, vacation, or stock options, and when you can’t.

And finally, a good recruiter will be honest with you when they CAN NOT help you. Perhaps the client doesn’t have the budget to use a recruiting firm, or they already have internal candidates lined up, or perhaps the recruiter simply doesn’t have a relationship with the company. Sometimes, it is better for candidates to try applying on their own. Just be aware of what information you won’t be getting if you do apply by yourself.
What have your experiences been like when using a recruiter versus applying directly?


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