Are you a Legal Professional on the Move? Top 4 Reasons to Work with a Recruiter

Are you a Legal Professional on the Move? Top 4 Reasons to Work with a Recruiter

12 July, 2016

If you’re a legal professional on the move, or simply considering your options, have you considered working with a recruiter? Whether you are a lawyer, legal assistant, paralegal, or law clerk, working with a reliable and trustworthy recruitment consultant may put you ahead of the game and strengthen your job search. If you have not explored this avenue yet, here are some of the top reasons why you should contact a recruiter:


1.       Access the “hidden job market”.

Warren Bongard, President and Co-Founder of ZSA, has more than 20 years of experience in the legal recruitment industry. Bongard stresses that with job advertisements, what you see is just the beginning of the opportunities out there. “Advertised positions represent only a fraction of the real job market,” says Bongard. The recruiter can keep you apprised of available positions that are not advertised, and therefore allow you access to the otherwise hidden job market.

2.       Gain valuable insight into the employer and the position.

 “Your recruiter tends to have additional information on the job posting, as well as information on the company and its operations that you may not be able to find online or otherwise,” says Jordana Loporcaro, a Recruitment Consultant with ZSA. In considering a position or preparing for an interview, information is one of your strongest allies. “The more information you have about the employer and the position, the better you will be able to assess your own potential fit with the company, and the better prepared you will be for any interview ” tells us Zohar Weinbrand, ZSA’s Research Associate. A recruitment consultant can provide a wealth of insight into both the employer and the position.

3.       Debrief with your recruitment consultant after interviewing with a prospective employer.             

Feedback after either a successful or not-so-great interview can be pivotal in your job search. “Interviewing should not be a matter of luck, or having a good or bad day,” says Mike Race, Senior Consultant. “Rather, it is a skill that can be honed through preparation, deliberate practice, and feedback.” At ZSA, our consultants debrief with candidates after their interviews to provide them with concrete feedback on their performance.

Bongard often sees candidates using this feedback to improve and land future positions. “Good candidates are starving for feedback to ensure that whatever missteps they made can be identified in advance of any future interviews,” says Bongard. “Debriefing with a recruitment consultant allows candidates to receive feedback that they may never otherwise hear. As well, candidates can get advice on how to draft a thank you note, and, most importantly, the recruiter can help maintain momentum in the process with regular dialogue.”

4.       Stay in the loop for future opportunities as they arise.

A strong relationship with a recruiter can also assist you in keeping an ear to the ground for future opportunities. “A good candidate is not always looking to move immediately,” Bongard notes. “Rather, they wish to be kept abreast of comings and goings in the job market.” A recruiter is able to help a candidate with this, and bring appropriate job openings to the candidate as they arise.

Making a professional move may take some time, and certainly deliberate work and effort. Working with a recruiter can take away much of the stress and uncertainty of the recruitment process. “A recruiter can assist in salary negotiations, resume review (at no charge), coaching and preparation for interviews,” says Bongard. “Recruiters can be motivational,” he adds. “And, of course, they can be a champion for the candidate.”


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