Creating a CV that Recruiters Want to Read

Creating a CV that Recruiters Want to Read

21 January, 2013

We see a number of common mistakes in the CV and thought that this checklist would help you craft this very important job search tool. You should think of your CV as a sales tool that will only have a very short amount of time to make an impression when it is in a law firms hands.

  1. Tell the truth. The Canadian legal community is a small one-combine that with the ethics of lying or even stretching the truth and that should be enough of a reason to ensure that every single point on your CV is the truth.
  2. Promote your brand. Be proud of your career and make sure that you include a list of your presentations; articles; conferences; awards and rankings. What you have accomplished is far more important than what you were responsible for. Emphasis should be placed on job titles and experience. That having been said make sure you describe your positions clearly and effectively as regards duties, responsibilities and accomplishments.
  3. Whenever possible include a list of the transactions that are relevant and that you played a major role in
  4. Limit your personal information. The employer does not need to know your birth date, marital status, number of children, or see a picture of you. Along the same lines limit irrelevant information such as past experiences that have nothing to do with your legal career.
  5. Consider the appearance of your CV. Use an easy to read font; avoid small type; leave enough white space; use bullet points effectively; keep it simple in terms of structure and above all-proofread it word for word.

There is no question that the Canadian legal sector is a complex, challenging and continuously changing environment. The competition for the best career opportunities is intense. To get your ideal job, your CV must differentiate you by demonstrating your qualifications, skills, career experience and, importantly, key results.
A well written and well presented CV will allow the reader to appreciate your suitability for the position.
Good luck!
Dan Malamet
October 10, 2008


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