Tips to Hack Your Job Search

Tips to Hack Your Job Search

20 March, 2017

Searching for a new job can be a challenging and draining experience. But don’t get stressed out! At ZSA, our consultants have some tips to share with you to make your search a bit easier and help you land your dream job faster.


1.     Is it the right time to start a job search?


“The best time to start looking for a new role is when you don’t really need it,” says Travis Usher, a Recruitment Consultant with ZSA.  “Candidates are much more attractive to employers and have more bargaining leverage when they are coming from a position of strength and non-urgency. If there are 3 or 4 elements of your current position at your firm or company that could be improved, or aren’t in line with your career goals, then it’s time to start looking.”



2.     Preparation! Preparation! Preparation!  


Lana Driscoll, ZSA’s Client Partner, stresses the importance of preparation. “Before beginning a job search, make sure you have a current and accurate CV and start thinking about your references. If you have only had one job, try to dig up some performance appraisals. Think about your motivations for seeking a new opportunity and narrow it down to one or two concise points.  Prepare your ‘elevator pitch.’”



Myriam Lapierre, a Consultant of ZSA, agrees that preparation matters. “You should know exactly what you are looking for BEFORE looking at job advertisements. If you know your goals, your search will be more efficient and your interview performance will be much better.” She further adds that having a professional and updated LinkedIn profile is also important. “Many job seekers sometimes underestimate how often recruiters use this tool and how often a good candidate with a professional and thorough LinkedIn profile will catch the eye of a recruiter.”



3.     Connect with recruiters!


a)     Stay on a Recruiter’s Radar

“Because looking for a career change is a full-time job, this is the best time to connect with a recruiter (we literally do this on a full-time basis!),” suggests Usher. “Developing a good relationship with a recruiter – which requires candidness and responsiveness – allows candidates who are passively looking to focus on their practices while the recruiter works behind the scenes to bring the best opportunities to the fore.”



Moreover, engaging a recruiter ensures that you don’t miss out on any wonderful opportunities.  Usher admits that agencies (at least those of the calibre of ZSA) are industry nerve-centers. “We have a bird’s-eye view of the industry and a years-built network.  Even if it would take a ‘unicorn’ of a role to get you to seriously consider a move, it’s worth your while to be on a recruiter’s radar; you never know!”



b)     VIP experience of Applying For a Job


Driscoll adds that a good recruiter will assist job seekers throughout the whole application process.  “A good recruiter will offer you access to positions that are not advertised or otherwise available in an open job market.  A recruiter adds value to your interview preparation by helping make sure you get the key skills across and providing you with cultural information that are not publicly available. A recruiter will be your confidant throughout the interview process – being there to help you prepare and to debrief afterwards,” says Driscoll. “A recruiter will also help you work through and negotiate an offer – providing you with insight on market rates and standard norms.”



Lapierre agrees and feels that, for job seekers, working with a recruiter is like a VIP way of applying for a job. “Our job is not just to send resumes to employers. We tell employers things (including how professional the candidates present, the reasons behind their moves, and why a candidate is a great fit, etc.) that they cannot find in your resumes. And employers trust our opinions,” admits Lapierre.



4.     Words of Caution!


“Job seekers should avoid long-winded emails when applying for a job, especially when the job posting states that cover letter is not required,” Lapierre says. “A succinct and cordial message to recruiters or employers will do best.” Lapierre also finds that some candidates ask for detailed information regarding salary and benefits way too soon during the application process. “It makes you look like you give more importance to that than to the actual job. You should only ask about it towards the end, say when an offer is being made.”



Reach out!


If you are considering making a move or are just interested in hearing more about new opportunities, get connected with one of our consultants NOW. Working with us will make your job search less stressful and help you land your dream gig soon!


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