What Candidates Should Expect from a Recruitment Firm

What Candidates Should Expect from a Recruitment Firm

2 June, 2015

Many job seekers are curious about working with a professional recruiter, but are unsure of what to expect from the relationship. This article outlines just a few of the things candidates can expect.

Respecting your expectations
A recruiter is only useful to you if they help you land a job you actually want. A good recruiter will always consider your interests and respect your needs vis a vis the type of company, position, compensation, work-life balance and anything else you’re looking for.

Assistance with your resume
As much as you might love or hate working on your own resume, recruiters have seen more CVs than you can imagine. As a result, they are experts in what works, what doesn’t, and what employers are looking for. A recruiter can give you excellent input in how to use your resume to present the best possible you. Recruiting consultants also have access to a host of resume and cover letter tools that you can draw from.

Helping you succeed at the interview
Not only will a good recruiter help get you the interview in the first place, they will also be a wealth of knowledge about the employer and the interviewer. Before the interview, your recruiter will share insights with you to help you get the tone right and nail the meeting.

Helping with salary negotiations
Once you have been offered a job (congratulations!), the next big item to address is your compensation package. Your recruiter will be in an excellent position to assess your competitiveness and value on the market, typical compensation for the position, as well as the employer’s usual salary ranges and their willingness to negotiate.

Honesty, integrity and professionalism
You will develop a relationship with your recruitment consultant – hopefully one that lasts far beyond this placement. Honesty, integrity and professionalism will form the foundation of that relationship. This will also include truthful answers to questions like how long it will take to find you a position. It will also include a realistic assessment of your position in the market.

By putting your name forward, you are taking a risk that your current employer could find out that you are looking at other opportunities. That is why it is vital that you and your recruiter are on the same page when it comes to confidentiality. For example, a ZSA recruitment consultant will always obtain your permission prior to putting your name forward for a position or contacting references.

Great service
You aren’t the client – that role belongs to the company that hired the recruitment firm. Rather, you are the product. Even though the recruitment professional is working for their clients, you should nevertheless be able to expect great service from your recruiter. This includes prompt responses to your messages, regular progress reports, and keeping you appraised of new opportunities and developments.

Our consultants are here to assist!
Please be advised that the information in this article is provided for informational purposes only, and should not be construed or relied upon as legal advice on any subject matter. As with all legal issues, we recommend you consult your lawyer. Accordingly, ZSA Legal Recruitment Limited will bear no liability to the reader, in any form. There are no representations or warranties made as to the accuracy or substantive adequacy of any information provided in this article.


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