Category: Tools for job seeking

Land Your Dream Job in the Legal Field: How to Write a CV to Stand Out to Employers

In today’s competitive legal job market, a generic resume won’t cut it. Recruiters have specific priorities when reviewing CVs. Writing a compelling CV that effectively showcases your skills, experience, and

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How to protect yourself from recruitment scams?

In the fiercely competitive legal industry, professionals often turn to recruitment agencies to secure promising career opportunities. However, the prevalence of online platforms has given rise to sophisticated scams, making

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4 Ways to Ace Your Video Interview

With the current virus uncertainty and social distancing, we’re noticing all pending interviews are being switched to video calls at the moment. Here are 4 tips to help you ace your video interview.

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Advice to My Younger Self: Reflections of Successful Lawyers

By: Orit Sinai and Jonathan Cullen We all sometimes wish we could back in time. As legal professionals learn from their mistakes, they think “I wish I knew that earlier.”

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The Secret to Lawyers’​ Happiness

In an effort to spread some positivity, this week I decided that it would be wonderful to hear from some of the happiest lawyers in Toronto, as it relates to their career fulfillment. Though happiness, in essence, means different things to different lawyers, there are a few commonalities among them.

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Perfecting Your LinkedIn Profile – 6 Tips

By: Amrit Rai, Recruitment Partner & Mike Race, Client Partner at ZSA LinkedIn is arguably one of the most important tools in one’s professional arsenal. The platform has over half

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Putting Together a Legal Resume – A Few Key Pointers to Get You Started

Your resume is a marketing tool, a living document that should be tailored to accord with whatever job you are applying for. The main function of your resume is to land you an interview. Make no mistake, a good resume can do you wonders.

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Career Reflection During the Pandemic: Private Practice v. In-House. What are you better suited for?

Another week during the pandemic has passed and a big congrats goes out to you! It isn’t easy working from home, away from our colleagues and miles away from Bay Street.

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Hiring Tips: Virtual Onboarding

Still hiring? You’re likely onboarding new employees virtually, possibly for the first time. Follow our tips for a successful virtual onboarding process.

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What to do if the job you applied for/were interviewing for is put “on hold”

It’s a tough time right now to be on the job hunt. The COVID-19 situation has meant that businesses are trying to deal with an entirely new set of circumstances, which is evolving on a daily basis, and this has naturally resulted in delays to most hiring processes.

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So You Want to Run the Client Meeting (Part 3) | Jerome Shore

This is the third part of an article aimed at associates in law firms who want to break out from the need to sit behind partners at client meetings and instead manage client meetings on their own.

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So You Want to Run the Client Meeting (Part 2) | Jerome Shore

This is the second part of an article aimed at associates in law firms who want to break out from behind partners at client meetings and instead manage the meetings on their own. In Part 1 we covered Body Language and Building Rapport.

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So You Want to Run the Client Meeting (Part 1) | Jerome Shore

My client is a partner in an associate heavy litigation firm. He has told us that he wants to attend less client meetings. He wants associates going in his place. Unfortunately they are not always ready so he wants to grow their client facing skills to fast track their independence and earn himself more time.

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What it Takes to be a Rainmaker | Jerome Shore

Do you ever wonder how a rainmaker gets to be a rainmaker? I do because I coach business development marketing. One thing I know is that time is increasingly scarce as a lawyer earns more clients. A successful rainmaker has more clients to satisfy and usually, if they’re a partner, more mouths to feed, that is, more associates to keep busy.

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Whatever Your Goal – You Need Relationships | Jerome Shore

At age 38 many professionals, like lawyers and accountants in private practice, have to make a decision about whether to strive for a high income career based on their own client relationships or to solidify their job prospects dependent on relationships with employers who pay them a salary in return for their work.

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Today is the Present – Take Advantage | Jerome Shore

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Today, I heard a few minutes of a press conference with Doug Pederson, the coach of the Super Bowl winning Philadelphia Eagles. Reporters were interested in noisy newsy stuff.

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How to Make Better Decisions | Jerome Shore

Last week I had breakfast with a friend who is looking for a new job. He had received an offer which he thought was a low opening bid to which

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How to Ace a Job Interview

How to conduct yourself on a job interview when you’re getting back into the market with Warren Bongard. Listen now:

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Lunch Works | Jerome Shore

It’s my life mission to help lawyers make more money or at least to have more satisfaction in their work. My number one idea is to cultivate existing relationships. The

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Three and a Half Simple Steps to Being a Pro Quality Coach | Jerome Shore

Partners and GCs are not only lawyers. They also coach in many situations. There are partners growing associates, GCs nurturing staff lawyers, lawyers as managers coaching assistants, lawyers as parents

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Yet Another Time Management System that Works | Jerome Shore

Many lawyers have told me about the difficulties they have managing their time given all of their competing priorities. Recently a partner related the difficulties of doing it all; practice,

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Timing, body language, eye contact key to acing your interview | Warren Bongard

I am often asked what the appropriate protocols are after you’ve interviewed for a new position. While my career focuses on the lawyer market, one would be hard-pressed to argue

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Make Generous Your Brand

Is it possible to turbo charge your brand using generosity to provide the energy? A bigger and better brand will have lots of benefits for you while you’re making the

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The Psychology of Marketing Yourself – Part 5 | By Jerome Shore

In Parts 1 thru 4 of this five part series I explained the psychological problem many lawyers face that inhibits their relationship building marketing. It’s that their ‘ego’ which doesn’t

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The Psychology of Marketing Yourself – Part 4 | By Jerome Shore

In Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this five part series I explained the psychological problem many lawyers face that inhibits their relationship building marketing. It’s that their ‘ego’ which

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